Sunday, November 16, 2008

...and plans change again

Hello everyone! Sorry I have been very slack with this blog posting, but life here has just fallen into the routine and I do not find much to write about!!! I have decided, however, that I will be coming back to the US in January and will be there for a few months working and figuring out my next step. I think I will try to come home around the middle of January. I can't wait to see you all!!!


1 comment:

Asma Nadia said...

Dear Erin,

I found ur blog while im googling things about Beijing.

I went there last November (is the free room offer still open that time?:) hehehe... . I m a writer from Indonesia and i m writing my travelogue about Beijing.

And reading ur blog is quite a refresing for me. Especially because my memory is not working well... seems it has a bad connection for short and long term memory, lol.

i didnt try the scorpio at the nite market... so reading from ur blog now i can imagine things that didnt get close to me when i was there.

So thank you. Ur blog is informative and fun to read.

Hope to get to know u one day:)
Have a nice day, Erin!

Ni hao!