Monday, August 25, 2008

Exciting news! (for some of you...)

Okay I've been putting off telling some people for a little while, but I will just go ahead and throw it out there- (and no, i'm not engaged, nor calm down:)

Since Fabien is here in Beijing as a study abroad semester with his university in Paris (he's getting his Master's from Sciences Po University), he will be studying until February. But his university wants him to benefit more from the language and culture here, so they have asked him to say for an extra year after his semester to work in China. So, since he will be here for a year and a half, I have decided to stay as well:) I've just gotten a job teaching English in a kindergarten and will use this time to learn some Chinese and just soak up Asia. So, we will be in Beijing now until January-ish of 2010...and will hopefully always have an extra room in our apartment like we do now, so please come visit!! Come on, how often do you get the shot at a free room in Beijing! :)

So that's my news...I know it will be quite the adventure and I'm very excited about seeing how it will be. Post-Olympic Beijing will surely be a sight to behold and study and i'm very interested to see how it reacts when the highs of the games wears off. Should make for some interesting writing!

I think about you all at home often, and am hoping to plan a trip back to NC sometime around Christmas, depending on what my finances allow.

Also, October is going to be a fun month because I'm going, along with my friend Meredith from UNC, on a trip to Thailand and Laos! I can't wait to get there and take lots of pictures to share:)

So keep on the lookout for more updates on my new slightly more permanent life in Beijing!

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