Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Forbidden City

The Forbidden City, built in the early 1400s, is quite the masterpiece in the center of Beijing. The massive palace and grounds took about 2 hours to walk around and is formed by an inner and outer section. The Forbidden City, also known as the Imperial Palace, was a place where the Emperor and his staff would go on vacation and for ceremonial purposes. For many years, this area of Beijing was forbidden to commoners, hence its name. Rumor has it that the palace is haunted by all of the many people that the emperor had killed there, and for this reason there are no guards that stay inside the palace at night- there are many video cameras though. Even the Chinese have their superstitions! :)

This place is very typical of Chinese architecture. Below is a picture of me in front of one of the many bridges and palace rooms.

Another image of just how sprawling this area is. It's huge!!

Below is a picture of a pagoda in the garden of the palace.


Kat said...

Erin Great Pics did you see the Today show there filming with Matt
Lauer? when do you leave China?
Have Fun

Unknown said...

You looking fit as a fiddle hanging around seems to suit you! ;-}

What an experience - food, folks, architecture, wine? all new. So glad to see you embracing the experience! Miss ya! but very happy for YOU!


Unknown said...

the forbidden city looks so cool! Your blog was a great idea!!

glt said...

Erin, What an experience. Have fun in China and share everything you can with us.

Aunt Debbie and Uncle Gary